2649 Commercial
St. SE

Salem Oregon, 97302

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Ben Martin Horst

National Library Week

National Library Week birds-eye-view-of-salem-oregon-1876

Salem Public Library – Matthew Trickey – LifeSource Natural Foods Towns throughout the United States have a standard array of buildings to handle civic functions, such as police and fire stations, city halls, and public schools. However grand, imposing, or utilitarian these spaces might be, these buildings are seldom the true centers of their communities. […]

May Donations Support Turtle Ridge Wildlife Center

May Donations Support Turtle Ridge Wildlife Center May-Donations-Support-Turtle-Ridge-Wildlife-Center

Urban Wildlife Soon after we moved into our house, it became clear to my partner and I that several trees along our fence line were going to have to come down. These fragile, half-dead Lombardy poplars were ready to drop major limbs or fall down entirely, and were a risk to our kids and our […]

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