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Category: Educational

Decadent Chocolate Cherry Zucchini Muffins

Decadent Chocolate Cherry Zucchini Muffins

Cherry Chocolate Decadence Awaits You! Carefully tucked away in this week’s email, our Decadent Chocolate Cherry Zucchini Muffins recipe awaits our readers.  Are you on our email list? If not, just click this link to join! This recipe is almost as good as a freshly baked morsel of the real thing, but you’ll only know […]

Marion Polk Food Share Youth Farm

Marion Polk Food Share Youth Farm Marion Polk Food Share Youth Farm

Marion Polk Food Share Youth Farm  The average age for a farmer in the United States is almost 60. People under the age of 35 make up less than 5% of all farmers. Getting a new generation excited about farming and equipped with the skills and resources they need to succeed will be critical to […]

A Visit With Sublime Organics

A Visit With Sublime Organics A Visit With Sublime Organics

Ellen and Greg Wilt run a diverse organic farm in Sublimity Oregon. By Jeremy Scott  The oldest definition I could find of the word “organic” is “a relationship between elements of something such that they fit together harmoniously as necessary parts of a whole.” This definition seems to embody Greg and Ellen Wilt of Sublime […]

May Donations Support Turtle Ridge Wildlife Center

May Donations Support Turtle Ridge Wildlife Center May-Donations-Support-Turtle-Ridge-Wildlife-Center

Urban Wildlife Soon after we moved into our house, it became clear to my partner and I that several trees along our fence line were going to have to come down. These fragile, half-dead Lombardy poplars were ready to drop major limbs or fall down entirely, and were a risk to our kids and our […]

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