A blog article from 2016 from LifeSource. Written by Matthew Trickey
Many of the products we carry at LifeSource are locally grown in the Willamette Valley. Recently, several of our staff payed a visit to Hunton’s farm and Camas Country Mill. Located in the heart of the valley, these businesses supply us wheat and spelt flour for our bulk department.
The tour was an incredible opportunity to see the process of flour production from field, to mill, to bag. We began our tour with a short visit to the actual fields, where we saw hard red wheat only days from harvest. Growing next to the hard wheat was an experimental planting of durum wheat, ideal for pasta.
After a nibble of some fresh pastries, we set off to see the stone mill where the flours are ground. The miller had just finished milling some bread flour, and we watched as it was bagged for shipment. We learned about the triple-sifting and testing process that ensures the highest level of quality of the finished flour.
This grist mill is one of the few slow stone mills in Oregon. The milling process results in a flavorful, nutrient-rich flour that makes a amazing loaf of artisan bread.
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