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Coconut Coffee Ice Cream

Coconut Coffee Ice Cream LifeSource Recipes

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  1. Chill all ingredients overnight in the refrigerator. Freeze a metal bowl, beaters, and a 4×8-inch loaf pan 1 hour before preparing ice cream.
  2. Whisk together coffee and sweetened condensed coconut milk in a small bowl.
  3. Scoop the coconut milk solids from the large can of heavy coconut cream into the chilled metal bowl. Add entire contents of the 5.4 oz can of coconut cream to the bowl as well. Beat on high with chilled beaters for 3-5 minutes, or until stiff peaks form.
  4. Gently fold coffee mixture into whipped coconut cream. Scrape into the chilled loaf pan. Cover with plastic wrap and freeze 6 hours – overnight.

Serves 6-8

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