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Detox Diet & Discovery: Week 2

Felipe shops LifeSource online

Week 2

Week 1 had its challenges, I found some sugars in surprising places and already stumbled, but I’m still determined to make things even easier for me and get on track.

I’ve decided to discontinue my morning smoothies in favor of some precooked bacon and 2 minute scrambled eggs (instructions: get the pan really hot, pour in a fat and your eggs and start turning). 

My Strategy

Even simpler. Same breakfast, simple dinners, lunch is leftovers. I buy groceries on Monday, which is my meal prep day, I like to trim meats and prep my veggies for easy weekly meals. I also take the opportunity to discard all packaging.

I’ve also linked a convenient shopping list so you can add items to your online cart quickly for week 2 (assuming your on-hand items purchased from last week). 

I’m reusing some recipes I enjoyed and finding other similar dishes

Week 2

Shopping List

Rough Cost Estimates 

  • $160-170 a week in groceries for a 2 person household
  • $7-8 per serving
Costs are up since I got some premium items here, but I am looking forward to trying some new meals. For week 3, I am going to cut costs substantially and see the difference in meals, taste, energy, and more.

Each item is linked to our online shopping website. 

Click the link and add the item to your cart for quick and easy shopping. Skip items you already have to reduce your grocery costs.

You should still have:

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