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Category: Health Resources

Pollen Season. Allergy relief?

Pollen Season. Allergy relief? Peppermint Nettles Cooler and Nettles Lemonade

Sneezes On The Breezes Spring brings occasional rain showers, sun showers, and showers of pollen, wafting on spring breezes. If you experience pollen allergies, you may already be dreading  your body’s immune responses. Fortunately, spring also brings an abundance of nettles. Growing wild, nettles might be unfriendly to the touch, producing welts and skin irritation. […]

Calming Anxiety

Calming Anxiety

Let’s talk about Anxiety can be a mild concern or a debilitating condition, and recent events have caused anxiety levels to rise uncomfortably in many people. Anxiety has been characterized by some, as a mental / emotional problem, and by others as a biochemical problem. More recent research suggests the two aspects are not so […]

Our Olive Oil Selection

Our Olive Oil Selection Olive Oil

The cultivation of the olive tree, Olea europa, is a tradition as old as recorded history. Its fruit and oil are perhaps the oldest health foods known. Egyptians, Phoenicians and Greeks believed this tree brought peace, health, and prosperity to their civilizations. Today, this liquid gold of the Mediterranean is successfully produced with Old World techniques in moderate climates around the world.

Super Nutrition Gardening

Super Nutrition Gardening Arugula Sprouts

Super Nutrition Gardening by William S. Peavy Linda Spaulding, Reviewer      Spring! Most likely a person’s fancy turns to, DIRT, as in earth, soil, that is. Mother Nature coaxes even the most timid to venture into the garden for a spring assessment. Even neighbors don’t complain when clanging metal shatters the morning stillness; implements […]

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