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Dill Refrigerator Pickles

Dill Pickles

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  1. Toss cucumber spears with kosher salt. Place in a colander and allow to sit an hour, excess water will drain from the cucumber cucumbers. Rinse salt thoroughly from the cucumbers and pat dry with a clean kitchen towel.
  2. Bring vinegar, water, sugar, pickling spice, and red pepper flakes (if using) to a low boil in a small saucepan. Stir until sugar is dissolved. Remove from heat.
  3. Pack cukes and dill flower heads into a 32 oz jar (or 2 16 oz jars) with a tight fitting lid. Pour brine over the veggies. Top with water to cover if necessary. Give pickles a good shake and refrigerate at least 24 hours before enjoying. Pickles will keep for about 3 weeks. 

Serves 32 oz jar

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