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Mushroom Broth

Mushroom Broth

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  1. To make a delicious mushroom broth, start by roughly chopping your mushrooms into large pieces, roughly chop your celery, quarter your onion, and crush your cloves of garlic. You can use different types of mushrooms to enhance the flavor of your broth, I like to use a blend of crimini, shitake, and a bit of maitake. Feel free to get creative with the vegetables you add to your broth as well! I like to save scraps from all of the aromatic vegetables I use in my cooking, such as tomatoes, onions, celery, carrots, and mushrooms. We often discard the end pieces and stems of vegetables, but these pieces are still packed with flavor, and are perfect for making vegetable broth! You can store your scraps in a container in the refrigerator or freezer until you are ready to make broth with them! The more veggies, the more flavorful the broth!
  2. Place your prepared veggies in a large pot and cover them with your water, add your peppercorns, bay leaf, and rosemary. Bring the water to a boil. Once the water has reached a roaring boil, reduce the heat to a simmer and place a lid on the pot. Allow the vegetables to simmer for 2 hours. Salt to taste, and then strain your broth through a mesh sieve into a large, heat-safe bowl. Allow to cool completely, and then place into containers to store. This recipe makes about 2 quarts of broth.

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Mango Lassi

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