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Category: Produce

A Visit With Sublime Organics

A Visit With Sublime Organics A Visit With Sublime Organics

Ellen and Greg Wilt run a diverse organic farm in Sublimity Oregon. By Jeremy Scott  The oldest definition I could find of the word “organic” is “a relationship between elements of something such that they fit together harmoniously as necessary parts of a whole.” This definition seems to embody Greg and Ellen Wilt of Sublime […]

Staying Dry For Delicious Delicata

Staying Dry For Delicious Delicata Dry Farming Delicata Squash

How can we grow tastier vegetables? For some, the answer might be water, or, to be more precise, the lack of it. Can you taste the difference in dry farmed vegetables? The Pacific Northwest has a reputation for being rather wet. It’s a reputation that’s justified, but anyone who’s spent a summer here knows that’s […]

Super Nutrition Gardening

Super Nutrition Gardening Arugula Sprouts

Super Nutrition Gardening by William S. Peavy Linda Spaulding, Reviewer      Spring! Most likely a person’s fancy turns to, DIRT, as in earth, soil, that is. Mother Nature coaxes even the most timid to venture into the garden for a spring assessment. Even neighbors don’t complain when clanging metal shatters the morning stillness; implements […]

In the LifeSource Hot Seat: Nic Tworog

In the LifeSource Hot Seat: Nic Tworog

     Nic Tworog has been a crucial part of the LifeSource produce department for over five years now, but his love for quality food goes back much further than that. Nic spent much of his career in the grocery world, starting at Shop’ N Kart in Ashland and later at a co-op in Coos […]

The Earthy Fruits of Fall

The Earthy Fruits of Fall featured mushroom image

The world’s biggest living organism is hiding in the forests of Southeast Oregon. This spectacular example of Armillaria ostoyae covers 2,400 acres (about 4 square miles) of the Malheur National Forest. It grew to this immensity in just a few thousand years. Each fall it reveals its edible fruiting bodies – mushrooms – as it […]

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