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Category: Digestion

Quick Guide to Eating Gluten Free

Quick Guide to Eating Gluten Free Quick Guide To Eating Gluten Free 1

See Our Gluten Free Recipes! While it’s not nearly as uncommon or unusual as it once seemed, finding out that you, a family member, or a friend needs to adopt a gluten-free diet can come as a bit of a shock. So many common foods contain gluten that changing your diet can feel overwhelming. But […]

The Story Of ‘Dick’s Carrot Cake’

The Story Of ‘Dick’s Carrot Cake’ Dick's Carrot Cake

 ‘Cutting Corners’ The evolution of Carrot Cake from ‘war cake’ to ‘health food’, and the tale of a secret geometry to Dick’s Carrot Cake. The 1970’s era was an entirely different decade at the Oregon coast. It was a time when boats outnumbered cars, and citizens of coastal towns spent idyllic days fishing, smoking fish, […]

The Story Behind Our Vampire Juice

The Story Behind Our Vampire Juice

10 Second Summary Our Vampire Juice recipe was developed by Luna, one of our front-end cashiers. Luna wanted to create an enjoyable way to get the benefits of beet, without the overwhelming geosmin flavor. Luna began to experiment with a mixture of beets and fresh squeezed orange juice to sweeten the flavor. The result was […]

Super Nutrition Gardening

Super Nutrition Gardening Arugula Sprouts

Super Nutrition Gardening by William S. Peavy Linda Spaulding, Reviewer      Spring! Most likely a person’s fancy turns to, DIRT, as in earth, soil, that is. Mother Nature coaxes even the most timid to venture into the garden for a spring assessment. Even neighbors don’t complain when clanging metal shatters the morning stillness; implements […]

What Is Keto?

What Is Keto? Keto Diet Vegetable Salad Plate

By Michelle Achée, NTP       The Ketogenic Diet (Keto) is a high fat, adequate protein, very low carbohydrate diet that was originally created in the early 20th century to treat epilepsy. Extreme carbohydrate restriction compels the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates. Carbs get broken down into glucose for the body to use […]

Why Stomach Acid Is Good for Us

Why Stomach Acid Is Good for Us Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar

Ask the average person (including the average doctor) what causes heartburn and they’ll answer “too much acid” aka “hyperchlorhydria.” However, too much acid is far less common than having too little acid. It’s actually quite rare. So then, why do so many people experience heartburn, reflux, ulcers, poor digestion, and poor nutrient absorption? The answer […]

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